
Friday, 26 July 2019

hotspot doc

Hello welcome back to my blog. This is my first blog post for the term so lets get started,

So for writing we have been doing describing . The image that we have been describing is a lightning  storm we had to do show which means describe so they all had to start with the .

This is the photo we had to describe .

Here is the writing that I did .

1.The sea was black as midnight.
2. The air smelt cold and salty.
3.The sound was like bomber jet attack’s.  
4.The fear inside me started to rise. 

5.The air tasted damp from the surrounding water. 

Thank you for reading my blog. I would love to hear some feedback have a nice day ,

Friday, 5 July 2019

sugary crystals

Hello welcome back to my blog and man do I have something sweet ,

So as you might no here in room six we have been learning about rock science . So right know we have been learning about crystals know I like sugar and we made sugar crystals

We needed to bring a jar or some of us did so that we could make it because we didn't have enough paper cups for all of us so some of us just brang jars .  if you would like to learn how to make it should be down below

Boil some hot water and and get some Popsicle sticks . You could put your name on there if it was short but if it was to long you just put your Initial. Mix sugar with boiling water make sure your careful you don't want to burn yourself

 Put some pegs onto your Popsicle stick to make it stay in place and make sure that its not touching the sides or the bottom. then take your Popsicle stick out with your pegs still attached dunk it in the liquid made with the hot water and the sugar then dunk it in a cup of sugar

Put some sugar in your jar then fill it with hot water put your Popsicle stick onto a peace of paper so that you can mix your solution till the sugar dissolves then you can put in some food colouring mix that in then put in the Popsicle stick then watch it grow

Here is my jar

Thank you for reading . I would love to hear some feedback have a nice day ,

Thursday, 4 July 2019

weekly word again

Hello welcome back to my blog how are you doing today ,

We are once again doing weekly word so lets get stared . If you don't know what weekly word is well don't worry  I am here . Weekly word is something that we do weekly it is a word which we need to find out what it means . Anyway lets get started the word is fragrance

Thank you for reading . I would love to hear some feedback have a nice day